
视界达人视界达人 2024-04-17 8.67 W 阅读



Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG) Report
Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG) Report
Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Message from Chair Key Performance
Staying true to our original mission, ful?lling our social responsi-Re?ecting on 2023, in the face of a complex, severe, and

variety of original intelligent technologies. In 2023, the
million yuan in public welfare. Adhering to the original intention, Company mainly focused on the Space Technology 2.0 series
Joyoung will persistently create value for society, uphold compas-Environmental

Customer-?rst, aiming at satisfying consumer needs in all
The year 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of Joyoung's founding. aspects. "User-centric, retail-oriented" is a principle that we Social

Message from Chair Key Performance
Staying true to our original mission, ful?lling our social responsi-Re?ecting on 2023, in the face of a complex, severe, and

variety of original intelligent technologies. In 2023, the
million yuan in public welfare. Adhering to the original intention, Company mainly focused on the Space Technology 2.0 series
Joyoung will persistently create value for society, uphold compas-Environmental

Customer-?rst, aiming at satisfying consumer needs in all
The year 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of Joyoung's founding. aspects. "User-centric, retail-oriented" is a principle that we Social

Featu Resp

Featu Resp
Space Technology
Space Technology

Space Technology
Space Technology

Collaboration to Revitalize Rural Education
Features 02: Caring for Youth Health and Growth
In 2023, we actively collaborated with local authorities to carry out the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project based on local conditions. With
the help of Ji Nan Science & Technology Bureau, we conducted ?eld survey in a number of rural primary and secondary schools in Linxia
Prefecture, Gansu Province. In this year, we pushed forward the kitchen renovation for 7 rural schools in this area. In 2023, in close collabo-

students.schools in total in this year. Currently, we have implemented a total of 74 "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" projects in Pingjiang.
Joyoung Charity Kitchen of Duxiu Primary School in Nanning, Guangxi ProvinceHuining, Gansu Province
In 2023, a total of 127 public welfare kitchens were newly built, exceeding 27% of the annual construction target. Starting from 2021,
Joyoung Foundation and CICC Charity Foundation have jointly provided funding for the renovation of kitchen in 24 rural schools
Joyoung Foundation plans to donate no less than 110 million yuan for the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project over a period of 10 years. We
in Huining County, replacing the outdated coal, wood, and oil-burning equipment with cleaner and more e?cient electri?ed
also plan to select 100 schools in rural areas across the country every year and invest RMB 30,000 to 150,000 Yuan to each school. Moreover,
equipment. Additionally, smoke exhaust systems were installed to further improve the kitchen environment in rural schools in
we will provide support in design, utilities renovation, equipping and personnel training to build professional, green and e?cient standard-
Huining County, achieving full coverage of the kitchen renovation needs.Collaboration to Revitalize Rural Education
Features 02: Caring for Youth Health and Growth
In 2023, we actively collaborated with local authorities to carry out the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project based on local conditions. With
the help of Ji Nan Science & Technology Bureau, we conducted ?eld survey in a number of rural primary and secondary schools in Linxia
Prefecture, Gansu Province. In this year, we pushed forward the kitchen renovation for 7 rural schools in this area. In 2023, in close collabo-

students.schools in total in this year. Currently, we have implemented a total of 74 "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" projects in Pingjiang.
Joyoung Charity Kitchen of Duxiu Primary School in Nanning, Guangxi ProvinceHuining, Gansu Province
In 2023, a total of 127 public welfare kitchens were newly built, exceeding 27% of the annual construction target. Starting from 2021,
Joyoung Foundation and CICC Charity Foundation have jointly provided funding for the renovation of kitchen in 24 rural schools
Joyoung Foundation plans to donate no less than 110 million yuan for the "Joyoung Charity Kitchen" project over a period of 10 years. We
in Huining County, replacing the outdated coal, wood, and oil-burning equipment with cleaner and more e?cient electri?ed
also plan to select 100 schools in rural areas across the country every year and invest RMB 30,000 to 150,000 Yuan to each school. Moreover,
equipment. Additionally, smoke exhaust systems were installed to further improve the kitchen environment in rural schools in
we will provide support in design, utilities renovation, equipping and personnel training to build professional, green and e?cient standard-
Huining County, achieving full coverage of the kitchen renovation needs.Joyoung Food and
Joyoung Food and

Joyoung Food and Education Workshop Hangzhou, Zhejiang ProvinceJoyoung has promoted the establishment of Food and Education Workshops in 6 schools and set up the "Xing Zhi Xing
Joyoung Food and Education Workshop Curriculum Teaching and Research Alliance", which is centered on cross-region,
Food Education Textbook
cross-phase, and cross-discipline teaching and research activities, aiming to promote the improvement of professionalism
and business capacity of the teacher team.
Joyoung Food and
Joyoung Food and

Joyoung Food and Education Workshop Hangzhou, Zhejiang ProvinceJoyoung has promoted the establishment of Food and Education Workshops in 6 schools and set up the "Xing Zhi Xing
Joyoung Food and Education Workshop Curriculum Teaching and Research Alliance", which is centered on cross-region,
Food Education Textbook
cross-phase, and cross-discipline teaching and research activities, aiming to promote the improvement of professionalism
and business capacity of the teacher team.
Summer Camp for Food Conducting Food Education Education Brand Event Teacher Empowerment Training Strengthening the training of teachers is a crucial foundation for implementing Food and Education Workshops. Joyoung has conducted 8 rounds of online training of teachers since 2022, with over 700 teachers completing the program. The online courses primarily focus on disseminate of foundational Food Education knowledge, application of the knowledge Case "Innovate for the Future-Space Restaurant" summer camp for food education brand event taught, and training on nutrition and health knowledge. Meanwhile, two o?ine "Food Education Teacher Training Camps" have been organized, with over 160 food education teachers from schools across the country participating. In July 2023, Joyoung Foundation, in collaboration with the Hainan Youth Development Foundation and other organizations like "Food Vision for the Future", conducted a 7-day, 7-night Summer Camp for Food Education in Wenchang, Hainan. During the camp, students from all corners of the country completed the design for the 2050 Case First-ever specialized o?ine training camp for food education teachers launched in Hangzhou "Space Dining Room" , including the site selection, interior design, and menu planning. After the summer camp, parents provided feedback that their children had developed a stronger interest in scienti?c exploration. Improve- ments were also noted in areas such as health awareness, eating habits, and emotional management. Additionally, In December 2023, the specialized training camp for Food Education teachers, organized by Joyoung Foundation, Workshops set at the beginning of the year.With the implementation of the policies of "Healthy China" and "Labor Education" (未完)
The End


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